
How Much for a Skateboard? Your Ultimate Guide to Finding the Perfect Board (Online vs. Local Shops)

Hey, wondering how much you should set aside for a skateboard. No problem! In this article, we'll help you understand the budget needed for buying a skateboard, whether you're a beginner or an experienced skater. We'll compare prices from different sources, both online and offline, so you can prepare accordingly.

We'll also discuss popular skateboard brands and their price ranges, and touch upon the importance of your personal preferences when choosing the perfect board. By the end of this article, you'll have a clearer idea of how much you should expect to spend on a skateboard that suits your needs.

So, are you ready? Let's dive into the world of skateboarding and find that ideal board for you while keeping your budget in mind!

Online Skateboard Shopping

Alright, so you're eager to snag a skateboard, but you're not quite sure about the budget you'll need for different purchasing options, right? Don't fret – we're here to help you out! In this section, we'll be diving into the costs when buying a skateboard from various online and brick-and-mortar stores, and examining the price differences between getting a ready-made board and assembling one yourself. This way, you can focus on the money side of things and be prepared when shopping for your new skateboard, instead of just searching for the ideal one. So, let's cut to the chase and get you sorted on your skateboard budget!

A. Buying Entry-Level Skateboards Online

So, you're new to skateboarding and looking for an affordable, entry-level board? Amazon could be your go-to place. Some people might argue that cheap skateboards aren't great in terms of quality, but hey, you're just starting. These boards are perfect for learning the basics, and once you've got the hang of it, you can always upgrade to a more advanced skateboard.


Step 1: Search for the keyword "cheap beginner skateboard" to find products



Step 2: Choose the right skateboard by referring to the star rating of the reviews

To find these budget-friendly beginner boards, simply search for "cheap beginner skateboard" on Amazon. You'll find plenty of options ranging from $20 to $40. Worried about which one to choose? Check out the buyer reviews at the bottom of the product page. In most cases, they're pretty accurate, as Amazon has a strict anti-cheating system to weed out fake reviews.

B. Purchasing Quality Skateboards from Brand Websites

Now, if you're looking for something with better quality and from well-known brands, you might want to check out their official websites. Brands like Bones, CCS, and Zumiez offer great options. Plus, you can even support your favorite skaters by buying from their brands, like the "Birdhouse" brand created by pro skaters Per Welinder and Tony Hawk.

Here are the approximate prices of complete skateboards from these popular brands:

  • Bones: $75-150 - Known for their high-quality skateboard wheels and bearings, Bones also offers a range of complete skateboards that cater to various skill levels and budgets.
  • CCS: $70-150 - A one-stop-shop for all your skateboarding needs, CCS provides an extensive selection of complete skateboards, from affordable options for beginners to premium boards for advanced skaters.
  • Zumiez: $60-150 - With a wide variety of brands under their umbrella, Zumiez is a go-to destination for skateboard enthusiasts looking for a range of styles and prices.

On average, the price of a complete skateboard from these well-known brands is around $90-100.

And guess what? If you're keen on assembling a new skateboard from scratch, these websites are a better choice than Amazon. Most of them offer an assembly option, so when your skateboard arrives at your doorstep, it's already put together, saving you time and hassle. Plus, you can be sure about the quality.

To sum up, shopping for a skateboard online gives you plenty of choices. If you're on a tight budget, Amazon is a fantastic starting point for beginners. But if you want a high-quality skateboard from a reputable brand, go for the official websites or local skateboard shops. Ultimately, the choice depends on your preferences and budget, so take your time and find the perfect board for you!

Buying from Local Skate Shops

Are you considering hitting up your local skate shop to buy a skateboard? That's a great choice! In this section, we'll dive into the perks of shopping at local skate shops and give you an idea of the budget you might need. Plus, we'll discuss assembling your skateboard vs. buying a complete one. So, let's roll right into it!


A. Assembling Your Skateboard

Ever thought about assembling your skateboard from scratch? It's a fantastic way to customize your ride and make it truly yours. But how much should you expect to spend on each component? Here's a breakdown:

  • Skateboard deck: $35 to $60
  • Trucks: $30 to $60
  • Wheels: $20 to $40
  • Bearings: $10 to $20
  • Grip tape: $5 to $10
  • Hardware (bolts and nuts): $3 to $5

Don't forget to ask about package deals or discounts when buying multiple components. Some skate shops offer promotions to help you save a few bucks! And, remember, assembling fees might apply, so make sure you ask about any additional costs.

When it comes to the cost of a DIY assembled skateboard, the price can range from $103 to $195, depending on the components you choose. Interestingly, opting for a DIY assembly can often be more economical than purchasing a fully assembled skateboard, allowing you to tailor your board to your preferences while saving some cash.


B. Purchasing Complete Skateboards

If assembling a skateboard isn't your thing, no worries! Buying a complete skateboard is an equally great option. The price range depends on the brands available at your local shop. Unknown brands tend to be more affordable, while well-known brands can be pricier.

In general, the cost of a complete skateboard can range between $80 and $150 at local skate shops in California. High-end boards with premium components might even go up to $200. As with DIY assembled skateboards, prices for complete skateboards won't vary much across different regions, so you can expect similar price tags wherever you are in the US.


C. Tips for Shopping at Local Skate Shops

Before you head to your local skate shop, give them a call or shoot them a message to ask about their current price ranges. Skateboard and accessory prices can change over time, so it's always good to be prepared. Plus, you can inquire about any ongoing sales or promotions!

In conclusion, local skate shops offer a fantastic opportunity to buy the skateboard that suits your needs, whether you're assembling your own or purchasing a complete one. Remember to consider your personal preferences, the significance of various components, and the benefits of buying from specific sources. With this information, you'll be all set to make an informed decision and shred the streets in style!



Comparing Options: Online vs. In-Store Shopping and Brands You'll Love

So, you've decided it's time for a new skateboard and wondering how much are skateboards, huh? One of the first choices you'll have to make is whether to buy online or swing by your local skate shop. Let's break down the pros and cons of each option and check out some popular brands you might want to think about.

A. Online Shopping vs. In-Store Shopping: What's the Scoop?

1)The Upsides of Online Shopping:

·Easy-peasy: Shop from your couch, in your PJs, any time of day or night.

·Loads of options: Online stores usually have a broader range of brands and products.

·Bargain hunting: Comparing prices and finding sweet deals is a breeze online.


2)The Downsides of Online Shopping:

·No hands-on experience: You can't hold or test the skateboard before buying.

·Shipping costs and waiting: You might have to pay for shipping, which could take a while for your skateboard to arrive.


3)The Perks of In-Store Shopping:

Try before you buy: You can inspect, feel, and test the skateboard before purchasing.

Expert guidance: Local skate shop staff can offer personalized tips and help with assembly.

Support your community: Shopping in-store means you're contributing to your local economy.


4)The Drawbacks of In-Store Shopping:

·Limited options: Local shops may carry a smaller selection of products and brands.

·Possibly pricier: Physical stores may have higher overhead costs, which could lead to steeper prices.

Considering how much does a skateboard cost, what's the right call for you? It all depends on what matters most to you. If you're all about convenience and variety, online shopping might be your jam. But if hands-on experience and expert advice are what you're after, you may want to head to a local skate shop.

B. Skateboard Brands Worth Checking Out

Ready to dive into shopping? Here are a few well-known skateboard brands to keep in mind, whether you're browsing online or in-store:

  • Element: Renowned for top-notch decks, Element caters to skaters of all skill levels.
  • Santa Cruz: A true OG in the skateboarding world, Santa Cruz boasts a range of decks, completes, and accessories.
  • Baker: A go-to for street skaters, Baker skateboards are famous for their edgy designs and solid construction.
  • Zero: Zero is all about performance, offering skateboards with fantastic pop and durability.
  • Plan B: Co-founded by pro skater Danny Way, Plan B supplies first-rate skateboards and is backed by a team of world-class skaters.
  • Freedare: A versatile and reliable option, Freedare offers a wide range of skateboards and longboards, catering to riders of all levels. Their products feature durable materials and eye-catching designs, all at wallet-friendly prices. 

At the end of the day, finding the perfect skateboard means picking what suits your personal preferences and skating style. Don't hesitate to ask for advice, read reviews, and take your time to make the best decision for you. Have fun shopping and happy skating!


In conclusion, we've explored the various factors that influence the cost of skateboards, whether you're purchasing a complete skateboard or assembling one from scratch. Understanding the differences in price between online and offline sources, as well as the cost of components, will help you make a more informed decision when budgeting for your new skateboard.

Remember, the average price of a complete skateboard ranges from $80 to $150 at local skate shops, while DIY assembled skateboards can cost between $103 and $195, depending on the components you choose. Online shopping offers a wide array of options, from budget-friendly choices to high-end brand-name skateboards, while local skate shops provide personalized service and expert advice.

Ultimately, finding the perfect skateboard within your budget is a personal journey. Take your time to explore different sources, compare prices, and weigh the pros and cons of each option. Knowledge is your friend, helping you make the smartest choice when selecting your skateboard.

At the end of the day, skateboarding is all about having fun and embracing the thrill of the ride. Once you've found the ideal board within your budget, hit the pavement and soak in the good vibes! Skate on, my friend!

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